It's Christmas Time

It's Christmas Time

After losing my religion, holidays lost a lot of their spark--charm--meaning to me. It made the holiday seasons depressing. I wanted to feel something.
I wanted to write a secular Christmas song about the aspects of the holiday that I loved and missed. I wanted the song to also be a dope ass Synthwave Dance Jam. I believe I have accomplished that with this song.

It's Christmas time
And Everything is white outside
Let's fill ourselves with joy tonight
And eat some pie

That ham was dank
We have our families to thank
Pour that eggnog here to drank
Some stuffing too

It's Christmas time
The lights are all setup just right
The whole house is glowing so bright
Green, blue, red, white

So we ate the pie
And now our pants are feeling tight
Let's take them off and close our eyes
And sleep awhile